Personal Solutions
Commercial Solutions
Permanent protection customized for your goals with a balanced approach between death benefit protection and cash value accumulation.
There are several misconceptions about whole life insurance. One of the biggest myths is that every “Whole Life Policy” is built and functions the same way…not true. Our specialists are myth busters!
Whole life policies can be built in many ways depending on your objectives: tax free retirement income, death benefit lasting up to age 121, and maximize cash value growth to name a few.
Whole life insurance will have several benefits in common. Including permanent life insurance protection, potential annual dividends which have been paid consistently for hundreds of years, access to your cash value generally tax free, and premiums guaranteed to never increase.
Whole life insurance is a very popular option for most people.
There are different types of Whole Life Insurance products.
Disability Waiver of Premium
Should the insured become totally disabled, premiums would be waved (details vary by carrier).
Accidental Death Benefit
Additional death benefit if the death was caused by an accident, this rider usually terminates between 65-70.
Living Benefits Option
Use a portion of your death benefit to pay for treatment or care with this option, options vary by carrier but can include Terminal illness, Chronic illness, Critical illness.
Paid-Up Additions
Allows you to contribute additional premium to build more cash value and increase your death benefit when it’s convenient for you.
Rider features may differ based on the insurance product and carrier. Not all riders are available in every state, and some states vary the terms of certain riders. Additional limitations and conditions may apply.