Personal Solutions
Commercial Solutions
Congratulations, you are buying a new car!
The car costs $95,000 with zero-down. After a credit check, you are approved for a loan with a traditional bank – 60 months (5 years) at 7% interest rate.
You make monthly principal and interest payments to the traditional bank.
At the end of 5 years, you have paid off your car…way to go!
The total cost you paid for the car was $95,000 + $22,000 interest = $117,000
Utilizing traditional banking, at end of the 5 year loan you have one asset, the vehicle with a depreciated value.
Now, let’s look at the Infinite Banking way!
Our practitioners have trained you on how to be the banker, the borrower, and the depositor. Using YOUR bank, the cash value in your policy (the banker).
The car costs $95,000 with zero-down. With no credit check, you borrow the money from your policy at the contracted rate (the borrower) to pay the car dealership. You make monthly principal and interest payments to YOUR bank (the depositor).
At the end of 5 years, you have paid off your car…way to go!
The total cost you paid for the car was $95,000 to the car dealer + $12,000 interest to the insurance company = $107,000.
Plus, your cash value grew $19,000 from compound interest over the 5 year loan. Now you have cash value of $114,000 to invest again however you choose.
Utilizing Infinite Banking, at the end of 5 years you will have two assets, the depreciated vehicle and the $114,000 cash value in YOUR bank.
This is how you use your money twice!
Contact one of our licensed agents to learn more about Infinite Banking and how it can change your world!